New Life Orphan Center
A Christian Orphanage In Myanmar (Burma)
The New Life Orphan Center was founded by Pastor Khup Lam Thang (aka Thangno).
Currently, there are 32 boys and 12 girls, all orphans. We thank God for this orphanage that has adopted them and provides for all their basic needs.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
– Proverbs 22:6
Many of these young people from the New Life Orphan Center are now leaders in their respective churches; Two of them had recently graduated from university.
With their degrees, they have more opportunities than others to find a stable job in the city.
Yet, they choose to serve the Lord by remaining in the orphanage to teach other orphans.
Indeed, this is the living testimony of how blessed they have been that they want to repay the debt they owe to God.
The children receive basic education from kindergarten to university.
They are taught Bible stories and Christian songs that will help build up their relationship with God.
Indeed they have experienced the love of Christ in their lives and are assured to know that God, their heavenly Father, will never leave them nor forsake them.
Let us continue to pray that they will grow up to be faithful Christian men and women for the Lord.
Grace Children's Ministry
Earlier this past year, we began to help a new orphanage (Grace Children’s Ministry) in Burma, run by Brother Zam Kap.
He started by renting an apartment, but that had so many inconveniences (two bathrooms for 24 people, being too loud for neighbors).
These inconveniences forced us to pray for the land, and God answered this prayer. Today, by God’s grace, a piece of land (40 x 60 sq ft) has been purchased, and we are now praying for funds to build a children’s home.
They have drawn up a sketch of the building they hope can be built for about $40,000.
Several orphans were born again in the Lord and then baptized. Please continue to pray for special spiritual wisdom for them.
You Can Help Support Orphans in Myanmar
Please let us know if you would like to be a vital part of these efforts. We love hearing from you and are thankful for everyone’s prayers and support.